TUNISEL is an important Mediterranean producer of natural salt exploiting a marine brine saturated in NaCl. The production is located in the saline of Sabkhet Lâadhibet situated 20 km from the town of Ben Guerdane in the southeast of Tunisia.  The salt plant covers a total area of 3200 hectares.
TUNISEL exports salt in bulk via the port of Zarzis located 70 km from the salt plant. The salt is used primarily for de-icing but also for curing, conservation and manufacture of food products.
TUNISEL exports its salt mainly to European countries as well as to African countries and to North America.

The NaCl reserves of the deposit of salt of Sabkhet Lâadhibet are valued at tens of millions of tons that are renewed continuously through underground contact with the sea water and the underground natural brine. The salt content is extracted from the brine by pumping techniques and solar evaporation.
The operation has a unique range of natural conditions very favourable to the production of a good quality salt and conferring an excellent annual return. Indeed, the brine extracted through pumping is almost saturated in salt allowing for a rapid crystallization upon the evaporation of the little excess water and without passing by additional concentration stage. In addition, given that the south of Tunisia has a hot and arid climate, characterized by low rainfall and sustained winds, high evaporation rates are obtained throughout the year.



TUNISEL provides quality salt that meets the specifications set by the various markets. Thus, throughout the production process (from the brine water pumping to the loading of the salt in bulk carriers), analyses are carried out by the Tunisel laboratory to ensure continuous monitoring and consistency in the results obtained.
 TUNISEL is committed to conduct an activity in the respect of the environmental and social concerns of the region of Ben Guerdane. Furthermore, TUNISEL is certified ISO 9001 since 2016 and continually strives to further improve it's management quality performance. 

Thus, all of the company's personnel is involved in this process in order to: :

  • Ensure safety and prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Continuously provide the best possible service as well as a high quality salt.
  • Provide on-time delivery and excellent loading rates.
  • Master all the documentation, tracking and traceability work.
  • Enable sustainable development in the area of operation and comply with the requirements of fair trade and ecological production.